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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Yeti.
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[QUOTE="Yeti:627933"]anyone have any cool stories? i've always been fascinated by ghosts, but of course as i grew older, 90% of what i had thought could be paranormal just isnt, it has some other kind of explanation. i used to go around photographing areas trying to catch something, anything, but to no avail. but there are still some things i can remember seeing that defy explanation. were they ghosts? who knows, but they were strange. the strangest one i encountered was at a friends house back in like 99. his house was supposedly haunted by the previous owner, an old man. so i was outside his house one night waiting for the friend to return, it was summer so i just waited outdoors. his bedroom window overlooked the front yard, so it was like 50 feet in front of me. i was just mindlessly looking around when this blue-ish haze started to show in the window, so i watched it, and this fuzzy but strangely clear image of an old man from the waist up came right up to the window. i could clearly make out a shirt with buttons, and facial features. it wasnt malevolent, it just kind of formed and disappeared. i thought maybe it was my friends dad, but he was in the downstairs living room watching tv, in a green t-shirt. i could see in from the yard where i was standing. when the friend came home, i went into his room, and in front of the window where i saw the old man standing, was a bureau that stuck out about 2 feet from the wall, making it impossible for someone to be standing at the window. was it a ghost? i cant say for sure, but it was cool, and one of the only instances i can recall that i cant find another explanation for. and no, i didnt smoke or drink then, so i was 100% sober. [/QUOTE]
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