ghosts[views:2955][posts:34]______________________________ [Jun 12,2007 1:30pm - Yeti ""] anyone have any cool stories? i've always been fascinated by ghosts, but of course as i grew older, 90% of what i had thought could be paranormal just isnt, it has some other kind of explanation. i used to go around photographing areas trying to catch something, anything, but to no avail. but there are still some things i can remember seeing that defy explanation. were they ghosts? who knows, but they were strange. the strangest one i encountered was at a friends house back in like 99. his house was supposedly haunted by the previous owner, an old man. so i was outside his house one night waiting for the friend to return, it was summer so i just waited outdoors. his bedroom window overlooked the front yard, so it was like 50 feet in front of me. i was just mindlessly looking around when this blue-ish haze started to show in the window, so i watched it, and this fuzzy but strangely clear image of an old man from the waist up came right up to the window. i could clearly make out a shirt with buttons, and facial features. it wasnt malevolent, it just kind of formed and disappeared. i thought maybe it was my friends dad, but he was in the downstairs living room watching tv, in a green t-shirt. i could see in from the yard where i was standing. when the friend came home, i went into his room, and in front of the window where i saw the old man standing, was a bureau that stuck out about 2 feet from the wall, making it impossible for someone to be standing at the window. was it a ghost? i cant say for sure, but it was cool, and one of the only instances i can recall that i cant find another explanation for. and no, i didnt smoke or drink then, so i was 100% sober. |
_____________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 1:31pm - sacreligion ""] one time this doucheghost named swayze fucked up my pottery operation he was feelin me up, too. it fucked me up for a couple years... |
_____________________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 1:39pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] i've told countless stories in past threads about this stuff, but i don't have the time to type them all out, haha. it seems that whenever you're looking for stuff like that, you never find it unless you have some crazy "gift" or whatever. evan from sexcrement has some fucking creepy ass stories. some of my old bands practiced at a place called priority music in hanson, ma. that place has been haunted by children for years. unfortunately priority music moved to the next town over, so it's hard trying to explore in the old building. right down the street from the old priority music building is the plymouth county medical center. that is probably the creepiest place i've ever been to. i'm sure you can find some info on it on the internet somewhere. |
___________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 3:32pm - ariavette ""] when i was little my twin and i shared a room. We both woke up one morning to strange noises and saw some thing moving towards us with sort of a skeleton face. I only am convinced it was real b/c she was up staring at it in shock too so i couldn't have imagined it. I think we were about 10, i still remeber the things face though. |
______________________________ [Jun 12,2007 3:33pm - Yeti ""] MarkFuckingRichards said:it seems that whenever you're looking for stuff like that, you never find it unless you have some crazy "gift" or whatever. you're right, whenever i've gone looking, i've never had anything happen. the few incidences i can recall were totally out of the blue. |
____________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 4:03pm - anonymous ""] i've heard some creepy ass stuff about priority. |
___________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 4:19pm - dyingmuse ""] Spooky! I love this type of shit too! |
________________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 4:43pm - ArrowHead NLI ""] I had a lamp in my old office room that would turn off randomly, like if the wiring were bad or the bulb was dying. It wasn't until someone pointed it out (like after a year of it happening) that I realized that every time the lamp turned on/off it would make the clicking noise like the knob was being turned on it. If you unplug the lamp, no click. If you pop out the bulb, no click. Only if you turned the knob did it make that sound. I never really gave a shit, but it was kind of interesting. Other thing I thought was neat, was that it would only happen if my cat wasn't in the room. If she was in there, the lamp would stay on. |
________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 8:27pm - xmikex ""] sacreligion said:one time this doucheghost named swayze fucked up my pottery operation he was feelin me up, too. it fucked me up for a couple years... HAHA |
__________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 8:53pm - Niccolai ""] I got raped by a ghost once. It looked alot like the ghost costume my dad keeps in his closet. |
_________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 9:04pm - Anthny ""] I dunno if this is a ghost story, but sometimes when I have violent/disturbing nightmares, I'll hear shit in the room and in the outside in the distance, like weird banging, clanging noises. My nightmares are always frightening and gory. Then I'll wake up by the noises I hear and be conscious but completely unable to move and I'll see this kind of wispy stuff above me. And I have to will myself very hard to make it go away and get control of my body again.. I think it might just be the way my body reacts to nightmares, like half waking up and my consciousness is still in the dream but my body is also somewhat awake but still unable to move. I don't really believe in an afterlife, but maybe there is shit out there on another plane that can interact with ours. There's so much out there we don't understand I feel its possible. |
_________________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 10:00pm - ArrowHead NLI ""] Anthny said:I dunno if this is a ghost story, but sometimes when I have violent/disturbing nightmares, I'll hear shit in the room and in the outside in the distance, like weird banging, clanging noises. My nightmares are always frightening and gory. Then I'll wake up by the noises I hear and be conscious but completely unable to move and I'll see this kind of wispy stuff above me. And I have to will myself very hard to make it go away and get control of my body again.. I think it might just be the way my body reacts to nightmares, like half waking up and my consciousness is still in the dream but my body is also somewhat awake but still unable to move. I don't really believe in an afterlife, but maybe there is shit out there on another plane that can interact with ours. There's so much out there we don't understand I feel its possible. When we go to sleep, there's a switch in our brain that immobilizes our body. It is possible to consciously wake up before this switch is flipped back, leaving us aware but unable to move. This has happened to me many times. |
________________________________ [Jun 12,2007 10:59pm - Arist ""] ArrowHead is correct. My grandfather lived in a house that was supposedly haunted many years ago by a sailor. He had 2 kids, they were about 4-5 years old and often things would go missing in the house after putting things down where you left them. He would go to put the kids to sleep for the night and read them a bed time story, except they would say they already read the book, or that somebody had read it to them before (They couldn't read..). Which couldn't have happened since he was the only one living there with them. The kids supposedly had it learned it from the 'ghost' while they were falling asleep, in that subconscious state. After that they had a median come to the house which is where they found out what the spirit was exactly |
__________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:22am - Anthny ""] [Jun 12,2007 10:00pm - ArrowHead NLI ] When we go to sleep, there's a switch in our brain that immobilizes our body. It is possible to consciously wake up before this switch is flipped back, leaving us aware but unable to move. This has happened to me many times. yeah its a really shitty feeling, especially when you just woke up from a nightmare and are freaked out |
_________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:27am - V-190 ""] 2 Things. when I was about 18 or so.........4AM after all night boredom 4 friends going to sleep in a 300 y/o house that is constantly jacked up on weird happenings. We're all lying down almost asleep. Nobody wants to stand up and click the light. One of us yells at the the chandelier lights "ghosts, shut it off, NOW." I ask him to be polite and not to be so rude because he still shares the house with "them." He says fuck off & assigns me the task, so I say "spirits would you PLEASE........" .........CLICK. all lights go off. 4 of us sat straight up in the dark. 100% true. [img] &2...... Mountain View Grand Hotel in Whitfield, NH. Holy fucking goddamn fucking fuck. Room..................111? Got really drunk at a wedding. Dead of winter. We get snowed in. This place is like "the shining." Hallways dip and have high points. All night the room was loud. Impossible to describe. Example: we had a chair beside the bed. imagine falling asleep, and someone jumping into the chair beside your head. I was literally being startled awake ALL NIGHT LONG and never slept for more than 1/2 an hour. It was like I was waking up from a "falling" dream all night. At 5AM I literally heard our unpacked luggage move as I was awoken. Sounded like the bag got football tackled and the zippers jiggled. I yelled "STOP" and my wife, (who hadn't had a drop the night before) asks what the hell is wrong with our room. (she hadn't slept either) She had heard ALL of the same shit. At one point during the night she thought I was fucking with her right as she would loose consciousness. This was very unsettling to us. (Both realizing this was going on and we both had been up ALL NIGHT) We left immediately. Any clue how fucking far this place is up north? ....look it up. We checked out just past 6AM on a Sunday morning after a fucking blizzard with totally unplowed roads. Even better, The staff KNEW why we were leaving. THEY ALL knew, and were looking at each other in the lobby as we were waiting to leave. Lady behind the desk says "happy with the accommodations?"...and I go "yup, could have done without the poltergeists though" She smiles and says: "Sorry, different room next time...." |
___________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:34am - powerkok ""] lol nice. I ll believe when I see it, but right now, I side with logic and reason. Not that I dont believe they could exist. |
___________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:39am - powerkok ""] Niccolai said:I got raped by a ghost once. It looked alot like the ghost costume my dad keeps in his closet. awesome.hohohohoo....ehh ehhhrrrrghhhh:krusty: |
_______________________________ [Jun 13,2007 10:44am - Yeti ""] Anthny said:I dunno if this is a ghost story, but sometimes when I have violent/disturbing nightmares, I'll hear shit in the room and in the outside in the distance, like weird banging, clanging noises. My nightmares are always frightening and gory. Then I'll wake up by the noises I hear and be conscious but completely unable to move and I'll see this kind of wispy stuff above me. And I have to will myself very hard to make it go away and get control of my body again.. I think it might just be the way my body reacts to nightmares, like half waking up and my consciousness is still in the dream but my body is also somewhat awake but still unable to move. I don't really believe in an afterlife, but maybe there is shit out there on another plane that can interact with ours. There's so much out there we don't understand I feel its possible. thats not uncommon. there is old folklore about that, i believe it has something to do with a hag kneeling on your chest, causing you total immobility but you are conscious. i also suffer from nightly nightmares, and i've done some reading about it, those sensations have to do with mild hallucinations during the sleep/awake crossover. basically what causes night terrors. thats something i've never experienced, and i hope i never do. i've seen shows on night terrors, and that shit is fucking scary. |
_______________________________ [Jun 13,2007 10:46am - Yeti ""] powerkok said:lol nice. I ll believe when I see it, but right now, I side with logic and reason. Not that I dont believe they could exist. its so hard to overlook logic and science, i'm basically agnostic about this stuff. i know what i've seen, it could be explained by ways i couldnt check now, but i like to think there might be something else beyond our sight. but rationale just counteracts it. |
_________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 11:19am - XmikeX ""] This black family moved in next door to me, and every night from the day they moved in until a week later when they moved out I saw all these creepy ghosts on the front lawn telling them to get out. It was totally scary. wahh wahh. |
__________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 11:41am - Anthony ""] Yeti said: thats not uncommon. there is old folklore about that, i believe it has something to do with a hag kneeling on your chest, causing you total immobility but you are conscious. i also suffer from nightly nightmares, and i've done some reading about it, those sensations have to do with mild hallucinations during the sleep/awake crossover. basically what causes night terrors. thats something i've never experienced, and i hope i never do. i've seen shows on night terrors, and that shit is fucking scary. hmm interesting. Good to know. What are night terrors? How are they different from nightmares? I too have nightmares alot and they can be fucking intense. |
_______________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""] night terrors are these episodes that some people get where they are asleep enough where they dont know whats happening and dont remember it, but awake enough where they are moving. the people just freak out, screaming in terror at something, cowering to the end of the bed, flailing around, eyes open, its fucking wild. i saw it on a show where a woman was always going in to work with black eyes and bruises, and her coworkers thought she was being beaten, but after an investigation came about, they found out its because her husband has night terrors and flips out in his sleep. he doesnt attack her, but since she is next to him she takes the beating. the scary thing is the look on the peoples faces, because its the most horrifying look, and they are just screaming at nothing. |
_______________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:47pm - Yeti ""] |
_______________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:49pm - Yeti ""] |
_____________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:52pm - BornSoVile ""] the building where Sexcrement rehearses at has some seriously bad negative energy. we've had several witnesses and instances where shadows come and go while we practice. the old room we used to play in was next to this godforsaken hallway that was horrid. the best thing that's happened so far is adam passed out with a chick in the room for the night, the door was double locked, in the morning our dvd case was moved forward like 5 feet and turned around which isn't an easy thing to do cause it ways about 75 lbs, and all the dvds were stacked in piles and thrown around the room. |
_______________________________ [Jun 13,2007 12:57pm - Yeti ""] that is fucking awesome. |
________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 1:02pm - XmikeX ""] I had a dream once that I fell asleep in one of my old rooms at Priority. When I woke up (in the dream) the studio was closed for the night and all the lights were out. The door was locked from the outside, and something was trying to get in. I had to get out of the room by taking out the celing tiles and then I tried to find my way out, in the dark, but the building kept changing, and something was after me. |
________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 1:03pm - XmikeX ""] BornSoVile said:the building where Sexcrement rehearses at has some seriously bad negative energy. we've had several witnesses and instances where shadows come and go while we practice. the old room we used to play in was next to this godforsaken hallway that was horrid. the best thing that's happened so far is adam passed out with a chick in the room for the night, the door was double locked, in the morning our dvd case was moved forward like 5 feet and turned around which isn't an easy thing to do cause it ways about 75 lbs, and all the dvds were stacked in piles and thrown around the room. Ghosts get pissed with you put comedies in with dramas, and don't separate the new releases. |
___________________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 1:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] XmikeX said:I had a dream once that I fell asleep in one of my old rooms at Priority. When I woke up (in the dream) the studio was closed for the night and all the lights were out. The door was locked from the outside, and something was trying to get in. I had to get out of the room by taking out the celing tiles and then I tried to find my way out, in the dark, but the building kept changing, and something was after me. that could make for a good horror movie plot |
______________________________ [Jun 13,2007 1:04pm - Yeti ""] the old hag that keeps you in sleep paralysis is known as "Ag Rog" in Newfoundland. |
_________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 1:12pm - Anthony ""] It really does feel like there is a presence right on top of you during sleep paralysis. Also, based on dealing with sleep paralysis many times, I have so much sympathy for people who are actually paralyzed... what a horrible feeling to try with all your might to move and not be able to. |
______________________________ [Jun 13,2007 1:13pm - Yeti ""] i've never experienced sleep paralysis. that sounds awful. |
_________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 1:18pm - Anthony ""] I have kind of a hate/love relationship with my nightmares.. on the one hand they are absolutely terrifying and fucked up. I am always immersed in some survival situation that is extremely violent and gory and I'm dealing with some seriously frightening demons, ghouls and monsters and shit like that. But on the other hand, the horror fan in me kind of enjoys the fear. It's like being immersed in a horror movie. Makes me think of this.. [img] |
______________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 3:28pm - swamplorddvm ""] not exist. |
_____________________________________________ [Jun 13,2007 3:48pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] BornSoVile said:the building where Sexcrement rehearses at has some seriously bad negative energy. we've had several witnesses and instances where shadows come and go while we practice. the old room we used to play in was next to this godforsaken hallway that was horrid. the best thing that's happened so far is adam passed out with a chick in the room for the night, the door was double locked, in the morning our dvd case was moved forward like 5 feet and turned around which isn't an easy thing to do cause it ways about 75 lbs, and all the dvds were stacked in piles and thrown around the room. i remember the time that i thought the old sexcrement room was haunted by the ghosts of josh staples, anthony buda and devon hunt, but it turns out you were all passed out drunk moaning like zombies, hahaha. josh, didn't you fall asleep in there one night with the tv and dvd player running, but when you woke up they were shut off or something like that? |