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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to V-190.
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[QUOTE="V-190:628193"]2 Things. when I was about 18 or so.........4AM after all night boredom 4 friends going to sleep in a 300 y/o house that is constantly jacked up on weird happenings. We're all lying down almost asleep. Nobody wants to stand up and click the light. One of us yells at the the chandelier lights "ghosts, shut it off, NOW." I ask him to be polite and not to be so rude because he still shares the house with "them." He says fuck off & assigns me the task, so I say "spirits would you PLEASE........" .........CLICK. all lights go off. 4 of us sat straight up in the dark. 100% true. [IMG]http://www.mountainviewgrand.com/DisplayPhoto.asp?275|/images/PhotoGallery/133.jpg[/IMG] &2...... Mountain View Grand Hotel in Whitfield, NH. Holy fucking goddamn fucking fuck. Room..................111? Got really drunk at a wedding. Dead of winter. We get snowed in. This place is like "the shining." Hallways dip and have high points. All night the room was loud. Impossible to describe. Example: we had a chair beside the bed. imagine falling asleep, and someone jumping into the chair beside your head. I was literally being startled awake ALL NIGHT LONG and never slept for more than 1/2 an hour. It was like I was waking up from a "falling" dream all night. At 5AM I literally heard our unpacked luggage move as I was awoken. Sounded like the bag got football tackled and the zippers jiggled. I yelled "STOP" and my wife, (who hadn't had a drop the night before) asks what the hell is wrong with our room. (she hadn't slept either) She had heard ALL of the same shit. At one point during the night she thought I was fucking with her right as she would loose consciousness. This was very unsettling to us. (Both realizing this was going on and we both had been up ALL NIGHT) We left immediately. Any clue how fucking far this place is up north? ....look it up. We checked out just past 6AM on a Sunday morning after a fucking blizzard with totally unplowed roads. Even better, The staff KNEW why we were leaving. THEY ALL knew, and were looking at each other in the lobby as we were waiting to leave. Lady behind the desk says "happy with the accommodations?"...and I go "yup, could have done without the poltergeists though" She smiles and says: "Sorry, different room next time...." [/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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