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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to DestroyYouAlot.
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[QUOTE="DestroyYouAlot:876518"][QUOTE="menstrual_sweatpants_disco:876251"] I have like a dozen thank you letters in my inbox. then this.... fucking hilarious: Subject: Do you have the balls to defend yourself? Body: I don't think you do, but I would love for you to respond to how I destroyed your character on my blog: (link to myspace blog) or at the (niggersite) forum (link to niggerish messageboard I never went to) Hope to see you there coward. OK I went to this guy's myspace. Here he is: There also a bunch of horseshit about hiphop on his site and this lovely banner: Here's his blog: I ran across this website: http://www.holladaddy.com It details conversations on myspace between the webmasters two fake profiles, and people he set out to harass. I found it to be cowardly, racist, and logically flawed. I wanted to challenge him on it, but saw nothing productive to come of emails between he and I. (The only contact info I have is the email on that page.) So I thought, I will take a little effort at a public response to him, and then make him aware that it exists. So here is what makes him such a giant hemorrhoid on society: 1. He is putting people on blast trying to blow out their pages, and highlight their errors. Yet the coward gives no sign of who he is. To me that is straight coward. "Look I can get people to laugh at you, but I am hiding everything about me, because I fear you putting the flash light back on me. " The child would probably have a serious mental breakdown, psycho ward style, if his real identity was shattered like that. Think about it, he is paying money to host a website made to make fun of brief exchanges with people he doesn't know, trying to show how stupid these individuals are. He obviously holds this type of attack in high esteem, (much more than most) therefore would be crushed by others seeing the real him. 2. Fuck his racist ass. He is shocked and amazed when one young black girl changes up how she speaks to him, from full of slang to very proper English. Yet he talks about how he is amazed at how black folks do that. Fuck him for that. Everyone does that. He does. I posted a different response here then I did in the forum I came accross his page. In his comments to the reader of the website, he uses a fair amount of slang and misspelled words, except for when he wants to highlight how street someone else is, then he kicks up the grammar and vocab a notch. Plus everyone talks to their close opposite sex members differently then they do at a salon or locker room. Just because the combination of Ebonics and l33t is new to him, does not mean that his language use is any more proper then the theirs. I am not sure if dude is black, I doubt it given his obvious bias and agenda. Notice that he did not make any of his fake profiles white, and almost always picked Black targets. Then laughs at their blackness. You could create a stereotype, like all white people are starving actors who like to live in Missouri, and you could find quite a few myspace profiles to target, to prove that point. Yes, he picked popular stereotypes, but none the less, it is always easy to find an individual who fits a stereotype. His agenda is clearly to prove how ignorant the young black youth are. But not targeting any other race, and holding them to an adult standard, of course he proves his stereotype. Pick any segment of the youth culture, and I could make you a page "proving" that segment to be the most ignorant. One has to ask him or herself why did he set out to make blacks look stupid? Because he is racist against them, doesn't matter what his skin is, he has numerous racist thoughts about black people. 3. Myspace is made to socialize and make friends. Not for war or to hustle. He is using the "can't sucker me, but I can sucker you" paradigm, while his marks are polite at first, usually accept the first insult / gag, then just block him. So he thinks that when he says your little sister is cute, and they don't get all pissed that they are too stupid to understand what he said. When in reality, the know exactly what he said, but give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't realize he was attracted to a kid. In most of the replies, he thinks he got one by them, when in reality, they said ok, this guy is weird and maybe a little slow, but I will be polite back. Like I said, the name of the game is socializing and friendship, he is the one losing at that game. 4. *Vulgar Alert* At the end of the day, if he is talking to an idiot, he is wasting his time talking to an idiot.. And he is also the one talking about skull fucking little kids. His targets are just trying to be friendly. Which would you rather be? A pedophile, or less than perfect with your grammar and spelling??? Is it really even a choice? Part of him created the fake persona, so that he could say things that the real him would never have the balls to say. Like I want to slit your throat while fucking you, and then stick my finger in your tight ass, while I suck on a four year olds nipples. You have to enjoy thinking like that, to type that stuff as much as he does. One huge difference his marks are being themselves, he on the other hand has no idea who he is, and doesn't realize how much his ilk fuck up the world. The coward would never address this in public (I am emailing him an invite to, in fact I'll put it on my myspace blog), yet he is so proud of himself for addressing others issues. I encourage a rebutal, but i doubt we will see one. I'm just going to respond and tell him I want his delicious balls in my mouth.[/QUOTE] Here's the entirety of what I got from this: "Young black youth?" Redundant much? LOLIMISSEDHISPOINT[/QUOTE]
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